"English label releasing Archival Recordings 1965-1978 by British and Irish Artists. Most of the releases are saved from unique sources and have not been previously issued. Genres include Progressive Rock, Folk Rock, Psychedelia, Hard Rock, Experimental and the willfully eccentric. Audio Restoration is usually by specialist engineers Reynolds Mastering, Abbey Road is also used. All pressings are made on the original E.M.I Presses in London where the 60's Beatles LPs were pressed. Seelie Court does not use Shrinkwrap, Polylined Inners or any unnecessary plastics as a standard environmental policy. Mastering, Manufacturing and Artwork is all Made in Great Britain."
380 copy limited edition first pressings in mini card gatefold sleeves (we've provided Japanese plastic sleeves), all with full participation of the bands. recorded and made in England. From Glass Masters (not cdrs)
Most of these CD's are now out of print. Please email or call us to see what we have left in stock.
Across The Water - S/T "Monstrously rare hand made acetate only lp from 1975, divided between side ones complex neo classical suite inspired by the Scottish Isles of St Kilda, and side twos melancholic folk rock song suite. The original LP was made in an edition of just 2 copies with hand made sleeves, and is valued at £7000+."
As You Like It - "Ages Come and Ages Go" "Stunningly good complex Progressive Rock led by Hammond and Mellotron, these fantastic 1973-1975 studio tracks are a significant discovery for fans of Gentle Giant, Yes, Fantasy, Spring, England Garden Shed, Genesis and Caravan. A beautiful Pastoral vibe amid elegant British Progressive Rock Genius. Never before issued."
Baby Bertha - "Just the Beginning" (1972) "Pre Charge crunching heavy blues metal monster, this is even rarer than Charge - only 50 were made in 1972. a slew of original tracks led by killer lead guitars and pounding rhythm section, fragments of Hendrix crash into Mayall. we prefer this to Charge, also forthcoming. Sleevenotes by main man Dave Ellis. Only one copy exists with a hand drawn cover and this CDs title."
Benjamin Delaney Lion - "Satori" (1969) "Super rare private pressing and the only genuine UK private psychedelic folk LP to be issued in the sixties. the BDL were heavily under the spell of Donovan and The Incredible String Band, and their LP has the perfect hippie folk vibe, especially in the gorgeous track "Samantha Carol : Fragments"
Bertie - "Lord Gray" "Like a once in an Epoch convergence of characters from Buckeridge, Crompton and Wodehouse all fresh from a 1969 Hawkwind gig whilst channeling the very Muse who normally visits Ray Davies of the Kinks. Berties godlike majesty is unparalleled in pop. Trouncing other concept lp like Arthur, Tommy and SF Sorrow, Bertie can only make sense to the Elite Prog Collectors of Sainted Albion, and requires the listener to have cultural reference points such as Eric Sykes, Biggles, James Joyce, Dame Margaret Cavendish, Dandelion & Burdock and the Gin Trap. Only 50 were made with hand sprayed covers, some cunningly entitled 'Harry'. Later these adepts recorded 'Deadfire Echoes' in a mansion in Wales, forthcoming on Seelie Court and the greatest discovery in the history of Rock."
Caliban - "Insane Mentality" (1973) "Studio demos by legends in Liverpool, Caliban play proto punk edged hard rock that conjurs elements of the Who, Stackwaddy, Third World War and Deep Purple, wild and aggressive singing and even an occasional hint of a Johnny Rottenesque sneer and Daltrey stutter. Guitar dominated, Judas Priest once supported them, Caliban had a huge live following but never scored a recording deal. Hints of Glam mainlining Nihilism via monster riffs."
Crooked Oak - "From Little Acorns Grow" "Magical english folk rock thats a little traditional like Spriguns Of Tolgus and has a quality of melancholic mystery, comparable in some ways to Silly Wizards masterpiece 'Wild and Beautiful' . Privately issued in 1976, Crooked Oak was a favourite of the late legendary Record Dealer and Collector Walter Geertsen who listed COB and John St Field amongst his other favourites."
Dave Keir - S/T (1976) "Hypnotic guitar playing throughout this superbly melancholic folk rock LP, privately issued in 76 alongside Crooked Oaks debut. Brilliant songs that edge towards Roy Harper, the stunning track ' Bones' can be checked out on YouTube. Dave Keir provides the sleeve notes. the LP is characterised by exquisite finger picked guitar of the highest order, the compositions are deep, dark and magical, and infused with a sense of sorrow."
Elegy - S/T "Lost 1972 heavy prog monster by British Progsters who became the House Band in Vienna's underground music club Electronic. post Hellmet, its like Jethro Tull meets Marsupilami vibes with manic flute and heavy prog guitar, and at times a King Crimson intensity. Elegy escaped Austrian clutches in 1973 and disbanded. Should have been on Harvest, Dawn or Vertigo, only one crumbling 60 minute tape survived, and this is it True Believers."
The Great Crash - "Deadfire Echoes" "A genuine masterwork that sounds like the lost classic it is. exquisite songwriting with piano led art rock that conjure the best of early melancholc Elton John and 10cc, the songs are perfectly crafted and beautiful, the overarching sense of pathos is wreathed in an extraordinary wit, intelligence and literary sensibility. 79 minutes of genius. the great crash went to Wales in 1970 and stumbled upon an abandoned mansion name Plas Llecha, moved in, and stayed for decades. they played a few local gigs, and simply chilled out in the crumbling aristocratic splendour and recorded their demos at their leisure. Polygram got wind of them, an American producer was whisked to Monmouthshire, and the band were coaxed reluctantly into a london studio..but they couldn't deal with it, and fled back to their mansion, unable to replicate in Polygrams studios what no one had heard, these brilliant brilliant songs. 50 years later we found the band members, and heard these tracks. unlike many other demos, we played them, then played them, then kept playing them. and the songs go round In the head like Stairway To Heaven or I'm Not In Love, or High Flying Bird, that masterpiece of Elton John's. Algy Grays songwriting opens this album in sweeping resignation and pathos, their crowning glory 'Celebration Dinner" an exquisite jewel that conjures images of Tomaso's The Leopard, in some abstract way...Never Been So Long emerges like one of the world's greatest sad love songs, Regimental Reunion summarises a nation that gave back the greatest and largest empire the world has ever known, these stunning songs are acutely locked into a specific British sensibility and historical awareness, making the works unique. They are deeply literate but unpretentious, they manifest a brief Edwardian Arcadia, catching the sense that arises from finding dusty croquet sets and remembering that time, strawberries and cream,values, meaning, god and country, impossibly remembering ideas imbued in the national psyche. conversely later tracks written by member George Benn are Country inflected, but again some astonishing magic is at work here. if it's Country, it's something from a dimly remembered aristocratic Deep South, Gone With the Wind, wistful, sad, charmingly beguiling tracks...put into modern hands, some of these songs could become Hits. Others are so poetically English they may appeal only to those with a certain sensibility and frame of reference. As Deja Vu is to America, Deadfire Echoes is to Sainted Albion. Or so may it become. A double vinyl edition is also due later. When The Great Crash gradually left their Mansion after decades there, it became Loco Studios, where the the ghosts of the Great Crash's songs swirled unknown around The Verve and Oasis as they recorded their 90s masterpieces. Unreservedly recommended"
Hooknorton - "In For A Penny" (1977) "Haunting folk rock with the exquisite compositions of Bob Hughes, this inexplicably ultra rare private pressing is generally unknown, and includes a stunning version of the fragile and monumentally melancholic "High & Dry" , a song that is a genuine masterpiece , predating Radioheads identically titled silly pop tune, and vastly better. First ever reissue with sleevenotes by Bob Hughes. Seelie Court is currently working on a mammoth 8 CD complete works of the almost completely unknown Hughes that the world doesn't yet realise it's waiting for, to be issued in 2022. meanwhile try this ornate folk rock platter."
Isolation - S/T "Legendary 100 copy 1973 Prog Melancholia, a Concept Lp of deeply darksome musical meditations on a bleak break up, many consider Isolation an overlooked masterpiece. The repeated line "And now theres nothing" is a theme throughout the LP, connecting with 21st Century outsider vibes and alienated prog masses."
John Strang - "The Masterpeace" (1968) "One of the earliest uk psychedelic edged folk rock private pressings, complex dark lyricism deals with difficult subject matter and is abstractly comparable to what Marc brierley attempted in his failed masterpiece Welcome to the Citadel. this is like Donovan starring in Eqqus."
John Strang - "Shame and Stigma" (1972) "John Strang' s sonic journey into psychiatric rehabilitation has been painstakingly reconstructed from cassette tapes and crumbling studio reels. Composed as a concept album in 1972 this could have come out on Transatlantic, but the deal fell apart at the seams, and the recordings have remained buried for 50 years. charting the experience of mental disentigration and recovery, this may have been an abstract manifestation of the genesis of Sir John Strangs career swing into Psychiatry. the cover is the work of a patient, chosen by Strang."
Karakorum - "The Gate of Thought" "Keith Moon thought this band were sensational after he saw them support Alexis Korner in 1971, and their ex manager rightly thinks they were Pure Genius. Absolutely unique Progressive Stoner Rock, the music locks into a dark introspective vibe for 1 hour and never returns. Eastern tinged, the lead guitarist falls in spiralling electric noodling with hypnotic Drums taking the listeners mind into new and shadowlike prog dimensions. this is divisive music and absolutely unlike anything else ever issued, yet its still identifiable as pure 1970 Prog. Dark and Strange and Golden Eyed. Ideal whilst taking Class A Drugs or Ironing."
Karakorum - "Prison Bitterness" (1969) "The only surviving 1969 studio demos of this sensational and important underground band. Keith Moon raved about them, they were in massive demand on the live circuit, and everyone connected expected them to hit the big time. in reality they were simply too underground for the bewildered labels. karakorums sonic inner space inevitably conjures up images of heavy cannabis and marijuana usage, the band lock into darkly introverted grooves, with complex patterns, eastern influences, and left field lyricism and vocal, heavy guitar led tracks, wah wah, ultimately uncategorisable , poetic, and needing multiple plays to connect to. Tracks include "Arnold Collins In Drag" and "When The War Is Over"."
Lifeblud - "Esse Quam Videri" "Lifebluds fabulous 1970 debut recording of magical folk inflected Progressive Rock, only 2 original copies exist. This includes the majestic "Waxing of the Moon" which is simply one of the most divine and perfect songs ever made, a literal Prayer to the Moon. Lifeblud was a musical vehicle for the Poetic ideas of the band."
Lifeblud - "Live At Bowes Lyon House" (1971) "Prime era Lifeblud captured live by a pal standing at the back of a Town Hall holding a portable cassette recorder - audiophile experience? you f*cking bet it is. pure archival field recording, it catches the band at their poetry-prog-folk-rock best and transports the listener back to that Hall in a summer in England long long ago. their other albums have been greatly received, just 50 years late. The recording was made at a gig in which they supported Stray, and includes their electric phase."
Lifeblud - "Be Thou My Very Armour" "Masterful studio recordings by this accomplished Prog Folk band purveying Poetismic Underground Sounds, these are their best ever recordings, and include the only surviving track from their Heavy Guitar Folk Phase "Man Of War" which is awash with Fuzzed out Folk Fabulousness. Highly Recommended by the Court of The Dark Elven. The divinely lovely title is a line from their prayer to the Moon. Lifebluds Finest Moment."
Lifeblud - "Songs 1973-78" (2 CD) $29.99 "Double CD with an awe inspiring 34 songs totalling circa 110 minutes, these later tracks find Roger Knott taking on the Lifeblud mantle with various members of The Fixx, Adam and the Ants, and Ducks Deluxe helping out. Seelie Court has edged toward overworld Respectability and packaged this refined rock rarity with an eye toward Randy Newmanesque sophistication. Here Lifeblud reflect backwards and immerse themselves in the Golden Age of Rock , drawing influences from Roy Orbinson, The Everly Brothers, The Beatles, and British Pop Psych, as they steer into a glorious Proggy Pub Rock that eventually morphed into Punk. Beautifully crafted songs, from a singular point in rock history, the musicians here spread outwards from this moment ending up with artists such as Nanci Griffith."
Motiffe - S/T "Darkly gnarled King Crimson style intensity issued in 1973 in 99 copies, the original recording was made by hanging a microphone with string from the ceiling, and is thus gorgeously terribly Lo-Fi, but those poor souls who have immersed themselves for too long in Larks Tongues In Aspic still crave this LP, whilst simpletons overly worried by trivialities like muffled vocals and the audio properties of string simply dont belong here. Seelie Court was forced at Gunpoint by the band to use the awful Gryphon artwork that Motiffe love so much in their sick and twisted Psyches."
Mourning Phase - S/T "An original sold for £9000 in 2020. This is the first legal CD issue of this astonishingly original Progressive Folk Concept LP of 1971. Although about the cataclysmic end of a tempestuous relationship, Mourning Phase is a raging outburst of Positive aggression and bitterness, its Poetry Jim, but not as we know it, rather, a Sonic Beating To Death, and a Mellifluous joyous anarchic Percy Bysshe Shelley esque pummeling of the body one has just gleefully slaughtered. Adrenalin fuelled Hate in a Neo Chamber Music Esque Spenser like setting. Simply, the Ultimate Hissy Fit that crests Hysteria and plateaus in a Literary Explosion of Bile and Glory. Mike Conn has lived in a cave ever since."
Rainbird - "Maiden Flight" "Monsterously obscure Prog from 1970, 200 lps were privately made but most were destroyed, and no copies have ever been openly sold. Complex and mysterious music with flutes and mystical lyrics, meandering melodies, like the most introverted moments from the Moody Blues classic Threshold of a Dream era, Rainbird is an lp some rate as a masterpiece. The original had the wrong cover added by a printer, here the original Rainbird picture is restored to the sleeve."
Savanna Silver Band - "Pure Silver" "From the darkling psychedelic folk of Anaconda, via the bathetic psychedelic anguish of Arcadium, Miguel Sergides finally arrived from London at the Antipodes in a mid seventies Disco Frenzy and recorded his ultimate masterpiece as The Savanna Silver Band. Long a cult item for disco and funk collectors, this is the first reissue of a classic masterpiece, where Sergides aptitude for long complex progressive compositions morphs seamlessly into a gorgeous funk disco setting, the result, is pure gold, and Pure Silver, and this LP slots perfectly alongside the jazz funk perfection of Chic, Shakatak, The Average White Band and Sister Sledge. Prog Fans, embrace the Glitter Balls, and face the truth - Donna Summer made more Concept Albums than Yes, and you need this LP as much as you need H To He Who Am The Only One."
Soho Orange - "Kings of the Road" "Searing hard rock masterpiece that combines the savagery of early BUDGIE with the mystical edge of LED ZEP, this killer Scottish band are an important addition to the roster of early proto metal bands. taken from original 1971 master tapes, the band sing about drugs,women and freedom, the album opens with the amphetamine fuelled Kings of the Road and ends with the doom laden End of The Road, a slow bass led burner ending in violent riffs. One of Seelie Courts most important discoveries. This lp ranks with the best of early seventies UK hard rock, that's Sabbath,Zep, Budgie, Stray. 6 long tracks that decimate many established proto metal albums, this restores track titles and session order that were mangled on a well intentioned German bootleg decades ago. The only photo of Soho Orange that exists, crumpled, cut, and faded, adorns the cover, and they look like a Swedish death metal act, and their songs about Horse & Coke reference their lifestyle at the time. Main man Alan Mc Dade is no longer with us, this edition is issued with the full support of his heirs and other surviving members. Absolute Hard Rock Majesty. If you thought you had already heard every prime 69-72 hard rock LP from Blighty, this will make you weep with joy. Soho Orange p*sses all over plagiaristic rubbish like Leaf Hound, file this album next to Black Sabbath -Paranoid, Led Zep IV, Incredible Hog, Budgie 1st & Never Turn Your Back On A Friend, and Deep Purple In Rock. "
Threads of Life - "Ako" (1972) " Mesmerising art rock concept album with neo classical elements made at Plymouth university in 1972, the stunning cover art by Deborah Coombs complements some astonishing complex dreamy tracks with wistful vocals and an eloquent mesh of Keyboards, Synths, Guitar and Orchestra, 200 were made in 1972 and it's a legend amongst record collectors. the cd includes a booklet with extensive text by all members including the artist Deborah Coombs, there's also a bonus acetate only track and an actual 1972 Radio Interview with the band from the time of the LP which is both astounding and disturbing."